
Nio, London

6 months Internship at Nio, London.

Our vision is to build the fastest electric car in the world.
To achieve it we must assemble the best team
and move quickly...
— William Li, Founder and Chairman of NIO

David Hilton

Previously: Head of Exterior Design for Bentley Motors, chief designer for Ford Motor Company in Detroit, England, Brazil, Japan and Germany.

"Was great to have Pragya with us during this time! She supported with many fantastic ideas which will remain with the project till the end, especially regarding the ‘experience’ project. Very good detail and design skills which contributed to alternative themes and influenced the other designers and program members."


Dr. Martin Leach

Previously: CEO of Maserati, President of FORD Europe, Corporate Vice President and Managing Director of Mazda.

"Pragya is very supportive and has offered help in Design where ever it was needed. Communication was good and she was very enthusiastic about each project and task. Pragya had to work from several different locations coordinating design works which were spread out around 3 different locations in the UK. Thus, about half of the work she did was independent, while getting instruction and communication from the other studios."


Design detail.
Steering Wheel concepts.
Interior Theme concepts.
Exterior components ideas.
Travel to and manage other NextEV Studios in UK.
Assisting other designers on various projects.
Brand Experience project research and executions.